Top 10 most dangerous animals in the world

If you are alone in the wilderness, what kind of Wesen you'd like to see the last one? A shark? Rattlesnake? Jaguar? There are many different things that make animals dangerous. Some animals are particularly aggressive. Others are stronger or faster than we are, or have razor-sharp teeth. Still others are venomous, and can poison us bite. Others are clever and cunning. Here are the top 10 most dangerous animals in the world.

10. Jellyfish - sea wasp

If you see one of these transparent creatures floating far away in the sea, the wisest solution is to quickly get away. The box jellyfish is the most venomous creature on the planet, more than even snakes and Scorpions. There are many different types of box jellyfish, but the appearance of "sea wasp" is the most deadly. The venom can paralyze other animals, and even dissolve flesh after a long enough exposure. The pain from a sting is described as the most unbearable on the planet.

9. Deathstalker or the Palestinian yellow Scorpion


This so-called Scorpion is relatively small, and can be found throughout the middle East and North Africa. Every year more than three quarters of all deaths caused from the bite of this Scorpion. Children regularly die from the bites, while adults usually only feel unbearable pain.

8. Cone snail

This innocuous looking snail is actually very dangerous. It is incredibly venomous. One drop is enough to kill twenty people. Proteve of poison has no antidote, and you can die from a sting within a few minutes.

7. Shark

It would be remiss not to mention sharks at least once in this list. Their deadly predatory nature presented in the movie "Jaws". Fortunately, people really are not the preferred food source for sharks. They love to eat meat, but they prefer dolphins or sea lions to human flesh. While other food is available, most sharks will not eat people. Sharks will often change their minds, they can bite humans by accident, and then released it when they realize it is not a sea lion or something like that. Sharks have incredible speed and strength, and razor-sharp teeth, so even an accidental bite can leave the victim crippled for life, or cause death.

6. African Buffalo

This animal inhabits the grasslands of Africa, and regularly attacks people for no particular reason. Sometimes a Buffalo is attacked to trucks or jeeps, and can easily knock them over. With a weight of 2,000 pounds and a speed of 40 miles per hour makes this possible. Even after being shot in the heart, the Buffalo tend to charge a hunter, and every year more than 200 people die from these powerful creatures.

5. Ants killer

We've all seen movies where travelers are attacked by colonies of ants and devoured. And it is not without reason. Or Siafu ants killer, also known as driver ants (ants drivers), their colony can contain up to 50 000 000 individuals, and the danger will react as a singlee whole. If she bites you, it is incredibly hard to get rid of the ant. You can tear it in half and not having unclenched his jaw. Actually, the jaw is so difficult to open that the indigenous tribes used them for sewing up seams, in the absence of other materials to close the wound, they had removed the body when the jaws are already clamped. The jaws can hold for several days after that. Siafu ants can swarm and kill small animals when they feel threatened, which makes them impressively dangerous, considering the diminutive size of each insect.

4. Black Mamba

This snake has a very intimidating appearance, but is one of the most dangerous snakes on the planet. It is incredibly fast, and its aggression is sad.Black Mamba regularly attacked the victims for no reason.

3. The Brazilian wandering spider

According to the Guinness Book of world records, the Brazilian wandering spider is the most venomous spider on the planet, making it the most dangerous animal in the world where arachnids are concerned. These spiders roam and can be found anywhere. They love to hide in cars and homes, which makes them especially dangerous.

2. Hippos

You would not have thought of hippos as being among the deadliest animals in the world, but in fact they are extremely aggressive. Like Buffalo, they are known to regularly attack people without provocation. And, like the Buffalo, they will not hesitate to maul a vehicle, often quite successfully. Interestingly, the Hippo is a herbivore, so this aggression has nothing to do with food.

1. People

And the most dangerous animal on the planet. That dubious honor without a doubt goes to the human race. People are incredibly dangerous for a number of reasons. We may not be the strongest or fastest animals on the planet, but we are the smartest, and with our knowledge, we are able to manufacture the tools. Considering how much we produced and how many guns we manufacture for that would equalize our power in comparison with other species and each other, we are also very aggressive. Human beings are the only animals on the planet that waged world wars or set up concentration camps. Also people are very heavily pollute our planet. When the shark is hungry it can eat a man, but only man can come up with a delicacy such as shark fin soup. Next time you're taking a walk on the wild, remember that most of the dangerous animals, in fact, are more afraid of you than you are of them. For this reason, most wild animals will avoid encounters with people.

This list serves as a reminder that we share the planet with other powerful beings, and that it would be hubris to assume that we are always on the top of the food chain. Without our tools and inventions, we are physically much weaker and slower than many of the beautiful and deadly creatures on this list.

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